National Projects
Conducted a records management capacity assessment for the Central Bank of the Bahamas. The assessment covered the records management mandate, including roles and responsibilities and staffing of the records management function; policies and procedures for the management of records throughout their lifecycle; and infrastructure and facilities for the management of hardcopy and digital records (2012).
Assisted parliamentary finance committees with developing systems for the management of their records (2001); strengthened records management systems as a basis for providing access to information for citizens (2008); with Palladium (formerly GRM International) the IRMT is providing support to the British Council led PROKAS Project (Promoting Knowledge for Accountable). The PROKAS Project is supporting a series projects aimed at strengthening transparency and accountability (2015 to 2018).
Worked with Belize Archives Department to deliver a series of improvements in records and information management for the Government of Belize, including drafting a new law and strengthening record control systems (1997 to 1998); advised the Ministry of Finance on the development and implementation of a strategy for the management of financial records and prepared guidance materials (1999 to 2000).
Assisted the Archives of Bermuda with developing a strategic plan for modernising its archives programme and advised on managing its electronic records (2001).
Developed a records management strategy and statement of user requirements for the Botswana Unified Revenue Service in partnership with the Department of Library and Information Studies,University of Botswana (2009).
British Virgin Islands
Worked with the Deputy Governor’s Office and other senior government stakeholders to assess records management needs and advise on a programme of improvements and staffing requirements (1999) and worked with the Archives and Records Management Unit to prepare a proposal for a dedicated archives building and an integrated archives and records management programme (2008).
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Assisted the government with a judicial records management improvement project consisting of training and a pilot (2005 to 2006); contributed a records management assessment and recommendations to the Monitoring and Evaluation Component of the Security Sector Accountability and Police Reform Programme (2009)
Worked with the Technical Co-operation Office for the Environment inCairo to develop an office filing system and improve internal communications (1997 to 1998).
Advised on the development of a model records system for regional courts in Ethiopia (2001); delivered training at the National Archives and Libraries of Ethiopia and assisted with developing a strategic plan for the organisation; delivered training to Ethiopian NGOs on accessing donor funds effectively and developing project designs and proposals (2001 to 2002).
Conducted a practical workshop in collaboration with the Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record Managers (ACARM) to clear inactive records from government ministries and to restore order to the National Archives (1989, 1990); advised the Government of Ghana on all aspects of records and information management as part of the Civil Service Performance Improvement Programme, including the development of a new law, the establishment of the Public Records and Archives Administration Department, the introduction of new records control systems, the creation of a national co-ordinating body for electronic records policies and practices, and the construction of a national records centre (1990 to 1999); worked with the Ghana Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice to assist the Commission with developing enhanced systems to manage case file records and delivered a programme of training (1999); undertook a review of the Ministry of Health’s requirements for information management and made recommendations for improvements to systems (1999); worked with the Judiciary and the Bar Association to restructure the registries in the High Court (1996 to 1997); designed and facilitated a seminar on strategic development for senior stakeholders in public sector reform in The Gambia, Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania (1999); worked with the World Bank to undertake an assessment of records management in the Government of Ghana in preparation for the passage of a Freedom of Information Bill (2011).
Carried out a records management needs assessment and conducted training in records management (1998)
Conducted practical workshops in the Ministry of Foreign and the National Archives to determine the retention value of records; assisted the National Archives with the development of a strategic plan for records management (1998 to 1999).
Provided records management and e-governance guidance materials and training for a pilot programme across the civil service (2003 to 2005).
Developed and conducted a seminar on records management and the transition to the electronic age, with the Faculty of Information Sciences at Moi University and the Kenya National Archives, attended by senior administrators and national archivists from the Commonwealth African countries (1996); conducted an assessment of court records and information systems (2004).
Analysis of Government of Lesotho policies and procedures regarding the creation, maintenance and security of paper and electronic financial records, and the development of effective methods of records management in support of IFMIS and general administration records in Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (2007 to 2008).
Provided advice to the Historical Archives of Macao on preservation and conservation planning (2008).
Advised the Ministry of Education and National Culture on improvements to records management systems and recommended strategies for the future (1998); assisted the Department of Primary Health Care (PHC) to prepare standards and guidelines for managing patient records in the government’s Primary Health Care system and Psychiatric Outpatients Department Appointment Systems (2006).
Produced, with the National Archives of Malaysia, a video documentary on ‘Making the Transition to the Electronic Age’; provided expert advice for the National Archives E-Spark Project, delivered by IBM, which involved conducting an electronic records management assessment survey; developing policies, standards and procedures; defining an electronic records archival system and records centre specification, and developing a specification of training requirements (2003 to 2005)
Conducted a records management assessment of human resources-related registries in the Lagos State Government, created training materials and developed a strategic plan (2004); worked with Family Health International (Nigeria) on the development of an information management strategy and EDRMS implementation, with staff training (2009 to 2010); IRMT worked as a sub-contractor for a DFID funded project in the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation of Nigeria. The project’s aim was to support the Office’s ability to lead and serve as an effective hub for policy formulation, harmonisation, implementation and monitoring of the institutions of governance. IRMT provided records management expertise that will facilitate OSGF’s ability to fulfill these aims (2012 to 2013).
Assisted the Negotiations Affairs Department of the Palestinian National Authority in developing technical capacity in negotiation teams (1998).
Prepared an assessment of requirements for managing the historical archives and records of the Amiri Palace (2008)
Developed a retention and disposal schedule and associated procedures for the disposition of the hard copy and digital records of the International Science and Technology Center(2011 to 2012)
St Kitts and Nevis
Developed new retention schedules for government records and a document indexing system (1997).
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Delivered a records management training workshop and advised on improvements to records management systems (2000).
Sierra Leone
Conducted a practical workshop in collaboration with the Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record Managers (ACARM) to clear government ministries of closed records and restore order to the National Archives (1991); advised the Civil Service Reform Committee on the development of a records management reform programme and created a records centre (1994 to 1995); conducted a records management needs assessment for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2005); developed a records management component to a government-wide Management and Functional Review project (2005); advised the Government of Sierra Leone on the introduction of improved records management, including developing a draft law, scheme of service, organisational structure; and developed new systems for managing personnel records and subject files for key government agencies (2005 to 2006); creation of a Human Resource Management Office and implementation of a records management program (2007 to 2008); HR payroll verification exercise introducing a fully sustainable infrastructure for managing complete, reliable, up-to-date, secure and trustworthy personnel information over time (2009 to 2011) and the Teachers’ Records Management Improvement Programme gained control of the Teachers’ Payroll and supported the wider objectives of the Public Financial Management Reform programme (2011-2013);IRMT conducted a capacity and needs assessment of records management in Sierra Leone with the Public Sector Reform Unit of the Government of Sierra Leone (2014- 2015);IRMT are working with the Bank of Sierra Leone on a records assessment project (2015 -).
South Africa
Advised on developing an integrated records management programme at provincial level; facilitated the restructuring of records systems and delivered practical training workshops and inter-provincial seminars (1996 to 2001); facilitated a UK study visit for provincial archivists on electronic records management (2002 to 2003).
Sri Lanka
Contributed to a review of progress by the Government of Sri Lanka in implementing governance and public sector reform, focusing on the area of establishment control and human resource management (2002).
Conducted a practical workshop in collaboration with the Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record Managers (ACARM) to restore order to the National Archives (1989, 1990); advised the Government of Tanzania on all aspects of records and information management as part of the public sector reform programme, including the development of legislation and organisational structures, training and capacity building, and restructuring systems in central ministries (1997 to 2001); with Envirolink Architects, planned and designed a National Records Centre facility for Dodoma (2005); facilitated a UK study visit on human resource e-records and information systems for senior civil servants (2005); assisted the National Archives to draft a national records management policy and standards and guidelines for the management of personnel records (2006 to 2007).
The Gambia
Conducted a practical workshop in collaboration with the Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record Managers (ACARM) to restore order to the National Archives (1990, 1991); assisted the Government of The Gambia on all aspects of records and information in the Civil Service including assisting with drafting a new records law establishing the National Records Service, implementing records management improvements in the areas of financial, personnel, judicial and hospital records and carrying out initial work on the management of electronic records (1990 to 2002); helped to develop a draft IT Strategy for the judicial sector and developed bidding documents for a Court Management Information System (CMIS) for the High Court (2006); worked with the Justice sector to develop an IT strategy and supported the High Court to prepare bidding documents for a case management system (2005 to 2007)
Trinidad and Tobago
Undertook a records management needs assessment and advised on strategic planning and training requirements (2002); IRMT are working directly with the Trinidad and Tobago Archives Service to provide consulting services for The Design of a Records & Information Management (RIM) Framework for the Trinidad and Tobago Public Service (2015).
Advised the Government of Uganda on all aspects of records and information management, including the development of an effective legal and organisational framework, training of trainers, the management of sector specific records and the design of a records centre/national archives building (1994 to 2000); with KPMG advised on system requirements for personnel and payroll reform (1997); with Price Waterhouse Coopers, carried out a review of requirements (2000); drafted a records management policy for the Uganda Parliament, implemented a new records classification scheme and trained registry staff in the new systems and procedures (2000); with JBIM, advised on requirements for an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) for the Central Bank Archives (2004).
Contributed to the ‘Key Aspects of Government Reform Project’ and advised on a programme of action for improved information management; conducted a seminar to explore new strategies in records and information management and the use of information technology (1996 to 1997).
United Kingdom
Advised the National Crime Squad on records and information management needs and records staffing requirements; with In-form Systems contributed to modernising the Northern Ireland Department of Trade and Enterprise’s objectives for electronic information management; with Cornwell Affiliates, developed a functional specification for an electronic records management system for the Public Guardianship Office; with In-form Systems undertook a scoping study for the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body and developed a functional specification for records management (2000 to 2001); conducted an audit of records and information systems management in the Breckland Council with respect to Freedom of Information legislation requirements (2004).
Survey of paper and digital records at pilot police stations and introductory training sessions on contemporary records management concepts and practices for selected police offices and aqals (2010).
Provided professional advice on records management procedures and advised the Central Revenue Authority on the development of a central registry (1995 to 1996); with Touche Ross reviewed the management of teachers’ records and made recommendations to strengthen records controls (2001).
Contributed to the Zimbabwe Republic Police Organisational Development Project to provide support to organisational restructuring, project planning and information management infrastructure (1996 to 2000).
International Projects
African Development Bank: Access to Information and Records Management Review
The IRMT completed a review of the records and archives management capacity of the African Development Bank at its headquarters in Tunisia. The report was commissioned by the Secretary General of the Bank, with a view to identifying record-keeping issues that might affect the successful implementation of the Bank’s revised Disclosure and Access to Information Policy, which was before the Board of Directors at the time of the review (2012).
African Union Commission: Improvement and Computerisation of the AUC Records Management System and Procurement Filing System, Ethiopia
In 2010, the AUC initiated the African Union Electronic Records System (AURES) project with the aim of the computerising and centralising the records management function. The IRMT prepared specifications for the system and oversaw its development and configuration (2012 to 2013).
Secretariat for the Commission of East African Co-operation
Implemented a full-scale information and communications systems project (1998 to 2000)
Eastern and Southern African Management Institute
Co-operated to provide training and capacity building for government officials in the area of electronic records management to establish a Centre of Excellence for the management of electronic records (2009).
European Commission
Provided records management training for European Commission staff (2008 to 2009).
European Space Operations Centre
Advised on a programme of training and change management and conducted an information management stakeholder workshop (2001).
International Council on Archives
Worked with the Pacific Branch Regional Branch (PARBICA) to develop define the requirements for a distance learning programme for the region (2003); developed a report on the legal status of electronic records in developing countries 2003).
International Criminal Court: Digital Archives Requirements
The IRMT is currently assessing the ICC’s capacity for digital records preservation, including an analysis of any business process re-engineering required, quantitative and qualitative cost/ benefit analysis, staffing requirements as well as a risk analysis based on the Digital Repository Audit Method Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA); concise technical requirements will be provided for a long-term digital archiving solution (2013).
International Development Research Centre
Worked to improve service provision, strengthen decision making and enhance accountability in the East African region by proposing strategies for the incorporation of records management in the areas of e-Government, Information Communication Technology and Freedom of Information (2010 to 2011).
International Monetary Fund
Developed a strategic plan for the modernisation of the Archives (2001).
Southern African Development Community
Designed and implemented of a records management system and relevant policies and procedures (2009 to 2012).
Under the auspices of UNESCO, IRMT and the International Council of Archives are developing two modules towards a model curriculum on digital preservation. The model curriculum will be the first of its kind to define international good practice in relation to development goals and aspirations for government openness, building cross-disciplinary perspectives into all the modules. The first module relates to Current Digital Records Preservation Initiatives, which will provide an understanding of current trends and strategies in digital records preservation. The second module concerns Metadata for Information Integrity, which will explore the role of metadata in safeguarding the integrity, trustworthiness and usability of source records and data to maximise value for current and future research, analysis, economic planning, and accountability and transparency (2013-).
United Nations
Provided legal records training for UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR) staff in Arusha (2002 to 2003).
World Bank
Contributed to the Archives and Development Programme, working with the staff of the Bank’s Information Solutions Group (2000), including delivering video conferences to several Africa countries; delivered awareness training on electronic records management of ISG senior staff (2001); carried out a review of international research experience in the use of civil service censuses as a tool for strengthening public service human resource management and prepared a research report with case studies (2001). See also [research reports]; advised on the development of a strategy for integrating records management in Bank projects (2010). Advised on the revision of the Bank’s Records Management Policy (2011). Helped develop harmonised training materials for managing records, in all media, across the World Bank Group in relation to the Records Management Policy and other policies and initiatives (2014).
World Health Organization
With the Records and Archives Division, conducted training in records management for WHO staff (2004).